Use this page to order your official GorGGorovje 2024 T-Shirts, which will be available for pick-up at GORGG in Bled, Slovenia.
The price is in Euros/€.
- To order T-shirt(s) using PayPal, first choose the item type, then click on the "Add To Cart"
button to specify a quantity for the corresponding item to buy.
When finished, click on the "Buy Now" button at bottom to Checkout and pay for your
- To order T-shirt(s) WITHOUT using PayPal, please scroll down to see the instructions below.
This year's GorGGorovje 2024 T-shirt design is by
Urban Kolbl, Matic Kejzar and Andraz Debeljak
Cost: 25.00€ (EUR) per T-shirt
To order item(s) from this page, Without using PayPal:
Please send a detailed email to Gorggorovje@gmail.com.
Include in your email: the number of T-shirts along with
as the size and cut of each T-shirt (see chart above).
For payments by Bank transfer, you can transfer the money
(25€ per T-shirt) to us on the following bank account:
- Acc no.: DE37100110012364102839
- Card holder address: Matic Kejzar, Zirovnica 87a,
4274 Zirovnica, Slovenia
Please add a reference "GORGG T-SHIRT" and "<your last name>"
in the transaction so that we know it is for your T-shirt order. Please include
any shipping costs, if you will not be picking up your T-shirt(s) at GORGG.